Friday, July 23, 2010

Reason #296 why this boy is awesome

Him: What are you thinking?
Me: Nothing. Well. Nothing. I'm just being silly.
Him: Tell me.
Me, sighing: I'm just... scared you're going to get bored of me.
Him, laughing: Well that should be the other way around.
Me: How so?
Him: Well, you're awesome and have stories and know about Giapo. I'm just a guy who lives in New Plymouth.
Me: But... what about when I run out of stories?
Him: Then we'll make new ones.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

singing hearts and light boots

A week ago I went to a spiritual store and bought a ring. Because I bought something, they made me take one of their business cards. All of their business cards have their shop details on one side, and a cool affirmation or whatever on the other side. Mine said:

"Your purpose in life is to do the thing that makes your heart sing."

It kind of completed me. Then I read the quote, "Artists are just regular people who dream in the daylight," and that completed me also. Quotes have been making me feel pretty chilled lately, which is great.

The other thing that's been making me feel pretty chilled is the new boyface I've managed to acquire. I know you're all gagging for details, so here you are. He's tall, with curls. We go on adventures to the zoo and make chalk art and he can always cheer me up when I'm in a bad mood. He has an impressive film and television taste (which we all know is important to me :P) and we both wear glasses. We share quite a few of the same opinions, like how driving is stupid. He accepts my crazy and makes me feel gorgeous and he smells nice.

I do have photos, but sharing them with the entire internet feels weird, so hit me up if you desperately need to see.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I've met someone who challenges my view on platonic cuddling. Well... met isn't an appropriate word since we've known each other a few weeks now, and challenging my view also isn't correct since it's more of an overthrow of my entire thinking on the concept.

I believe platonic cuddling can exist. Last night I was... I wouldn't exactly say that my belief was rocked, but things lost their clarity. I know this is remarkably vague, but I haven't really sorted through all of my thoughts and I know this blog is easily google-able if you know what to search.

Yesterday one of my workmates helped me cover my pill box hat frame and then we watched Donnie Darko and How I Met Your Mother. It was the Slap Bet/Robin Sparkles episode which is my favourite episode.

Sometimes I wish things were simple. Sometimes I wish I had the ability to say, "Hey, I like you," without freaking out about it. I would trade any one of my other persony-things (like my ability to public speak) if I were able to tell someone I was into them without almost dying from a panic attack.