Sunday, March 28, 2010


Tomorrow my Dad is going to teach me how to drive.

Well, not teach as such. I understand the concept of driving (plus, my Mum's car is an automatic so I don't need to worry about changing anything). I understand indicating and braking and all that kind of stuff.

I just get really nervous when I get into a car. There are two potential reasons for this.

1. I've been a pedestrian for the past almost 21 years and the amount of times I've almost been hit by a car is ridiculous. I would never want to be on the other side of the story.

2. The last driving lesson I had was with a girl I used to work with. Prior to that lesson, it'd been about a year, maybe longer, and it'd been on an almost deserted road with no cars. All I literally did on this almost deserted road was drive up a straight road with a few speed bumps, drive in a circle around a car park and drive back down the straight road.

Well the girl decided that the best method to teach me was baptism by fire and took me to the Lynmall shopping centre car park in the middle of the school holidays. She made me drive through the car park, which was okay, and then turn onto a road with moving cars on it. I turned too sharply and almost hit a line of parked cars. She then yelled at me for a while. Well, screamed is probably the better term.

That experience kind of put me off driving.

I feel bad though. Pretty much all my friends drive and they're always giving me lifts everywhere and I feel bad that it always has to be them, you know? That I can't just do it by myself.

I managed to avoid it today. And I may manage to tomorrow because it's raining and the almost deserted road is down by one of the beaches and by the port. I don't know how that makes sense in my head but it does.


The art gallery turned 40 and they threw a really lame street party to celebrate. I ended up leaving as Earth Hour started and went to a bar down the road. I had a bit of a chat with the bartender about how he spent St. Patrick's Day in Wellington and got so drunk he blacked out, then I got Subway and was home by 9:30pm.

Mainly I came home because I'd already had two gin and tonics at $8.50 each. I also came home because these weird boys came in and sat down next to me at the bar and they kept looking at me. That and the play I'm currently working on was annoying me. I had two ideas for a part of the main concept but I'm not sure which one would make more sense.

Anyway. Photos.

1 comment:

Joseph Ernest said...

Hello. You shouldn't feel bad about not driving. Driving is the pits.