Sunday, May 16, 2010


Today, while at family lunch, I saw a guy over 40 wearing a hoodie that looked like it was aimed at a 16 - 20 year old. Despite the fact that I am currently wearing a hoodie, it restarted my tirade against them.

I dislike girls and guys in hoodies. I'm not sure what it is about them, whether it's just because they look so lazy, or because I think a guy in a cardigan or nice jersey is lovely, but I can't stand them. I once jokingly said while my Mum was getting her hair done that hoodies should be illegal except for in the home and in the gym. The guy who was toning my Mum's hair agreed. He was wearing a lovely cardigan with big buttons and that reaffirmed my anti-hoodie belief even more.

I mean, sure. A cardigan can look a little preppy whereas a hoodie has that warm, cosy, lazy charm. But in public? Really?

I used to wear hoodies in public all the time which kind of makes me a hypocrite. I don't really mind though, because I prefer to wear a cardigan. For me, a hoodie is something to snuggle up in on the couch, or for when all of my cardigans are wet or in the wash.

Rant over.

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